Septic Systems
Having to repair your septic system stinks... literally. We work closely with area engineers to provide you the most cost effective repair and installation solutions for all your septic needs.

Septic System Repair
Septic tank collapse? Septic system backing up? We offer emergency repairs to get your system back up and running so you can continue on with your daily routine without missing a beat.
Septic System Installation
In Upstate NY, it is common place to need a new septic system installed for your new or existing home. Empire Utility & Excavation has local engineers ready to design the optimal system for your home, be it a conventional septic system, raised bed or mound septic system, aerobic system, drip system or many more.
Septic System Locating
Simply need your system located for cleaning? We have the resources to get your system located, uncovered and ready for servicing.